Alpine Pasture Hike | Vandans – Rellstal
Photo: Helmut Düringer
Photo: Helmut Düringer
Photo: Helmut Düringer
Photo: Helmut Düringer
Photo: Helmut Düringer
Photo: Alpenverein Vorarlberg
Photo: Helmut Düringer
Photo: Helmut Düringer
The Rellstal is one of the most beautiful nature and plant reserves. The valley is roughly 1500 m high and completely surrounded by the Alps. Numerous gypsum sinkholes characterize the landscape. Over time the region’s great amounts of gypsum, which is slightly soluble in water, have formed underground caves that create sinkholes on the surface as soon as they collapse. They are surrounded by the bizarre rock formations of the Rätikon.
The Rellstal is one of the most beautiful nature and plant reserves. The valley is roughly 1500 m high and completely surrounded by the Alps. Numerous gypsum sinkholes characterize the landscape. Over time the region’s great amounts of gypsum, which is slightly soluble in water, have formed underground caves that create sinkholes on the surface as soon as they collapse. They are surrounded by the bizarre rock formations of the Rätikon.
Beautiful landscape ideal for mountaineers with via ferratas such as Saula Klettersteig, Zimba Westgrat or a tour around Lünersee. There is a possibility to stay overnight at Heinrich-Hueter-Hütte.
ÖK25V 1230 - West online -
Author: Düringer Helmut -
Difficulty: mittel Technique: Condition: Experience: Landscape: Altitude: Best season: JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Equipment: Wanderausrüstung für leichte und mittelschwere Wege, gutes Schuhwerk mit Profilsohle, da einige Wege durch Wald führen und ev. auch nass sein können. Man bewegt sich im alpinen Gelände.
Zum Teil etwas steilerer Wanderweg, bei Nässe Rutschgefahr.
More info & links: Alpengasthaus Rellstal / T +43 664 1412692,
Heinrich Hueter Hütte / T+43 5556 76570, oder
Alpe Lün / Oskar Neher, T +43 664 1429484
The valley of Rellstal is only accessible by foot (roughly 4 hours of walking from Vandans) or with the hiking bus from Vandans. The bus drives daily from mid-July until early October (40 minutes).
The hike begins at the chapel St Hubertus (1470 m, near the bus station). We follow the small road eastwards through a spruce forest and go uphill to the upper Vilifaualpe (no service). Right above this Alpine Pasture the Heinrich-Hueter-Hütte (1766 m, Austrian Alpine Club Pasture) invites you to take a break from your hike. From the Vilifaualpe a path called “Gipsköpfleweg” takes you to the Alpine Pasture Lün or Lünnekrinne. After the Gipsköpfle the path parts and you take the trail downhill to the serviced Sennealpe Lün. Now the track leads you back to the Alpine Guesthouse Rellstal.
Start Vandans, hiking bus station near Golmerbahn or the train station of Vandans
Geogr. 47.0739 N 9.79979 EDestination Vandans Waypoints