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Church | Cultural offerings

The Memorial Site of the Blessed Carl Lampert


Street: Kirchstraße 5
Place: 6811 Göfis
  • The Human Touch

    Repressive regimes and ideologies, which disdain human values and human freedom are not a thing of the past.

    The political situation of his times led Carl Lampert onto the path of martyrdom. He remained non-violent. His faith in Jesus Christ gave him strength and guidance in desperate, hopeless situations. Not vengeance, but rather the appeal “that humans become humans again” was his utmost concern. A concept which is valid for today’s world, which encourages us to live lives of shared humanity.


    The Memorial Site of the Blessed Carl Lampert

    The Gothic church of St. Lucius, dating back to the 16th century, was completely renovated in the 1970’s. The church spire and the presbytery, with its ribbed vaulting, were preserved in their original forms.

    The Swiss Albert Wider designed the memorial site of the blessed Carl Lampert. Lampert’s farewell letter and his parting words to his brother Julius remind us of his suffering: “Love – how thou sufferest amidst the hate of these times – how thou afflictest the love of eternity.”

    Presented by: Amt der Vorarlberger Landesregierung - Kultur
    Author: Katholische Kirche Vorarlberg / /

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