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Schützenhaus an der Leidtobelbrücke
Eingang Schützenhaus
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Eingang Schützenhaus
Kulturweg: Schützenhaus


  • Before the Schützenhaus was built in 1887, there had long been a rifle guild or a rifle company. At that time the capable men were committed to shooting practice to maintain their military power. In 1814, on the occasion of the return of Vorarlberg to Austria, a big shooting took place. 1826 is to have been erected on higher order a Schützenstand in Leidtobel. In 1870 a rifle flag with the image of St. Maiden purchased and consecrated. In 1881, the active riflemen, mostly served by the Kaiser, set up a military, veteran and shooting club. A year later, this club – today’s Kameradschaftsbund is his successor – officially approved. In 1885, the final decision was taken to build a shooting range with a shooting range on the Rudolfshöhe, also called saddle. The building was created through donations and voluntary work as well as public funds.

    Presented by: Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen
    Author: Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen

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